Self-Esteem and Confidence

Self-esteem is a person's evaluation of his or her own worth and involves both beliefs and emotions. It can apply to a particular element in life, such as a specific ability or skill, or to the whole person.

Self-Esteem and Confidence

Self-esteem can come from internal sources, such as self-sufficiency, self-responsibility and the knowledge that one can deal with difficulties in life, but for some it can also be dependent on external validation by other people. A high level of self-esteem does not necessarily translate in better educational performance, stronger relationships, or success in life. Unconditional self- and other-acceptance will provide a stronger foundation for lasting happiness and success in life.Self acceptance is being loving and happy with who you are now. It’s an agreement with yourself to appreciate, validate, accept and support who you are at this moment. Self acceptance leads to new possibilities that open up as soon as we let go of our struggle against how we and our environment really are. Self-acceptance is the first step towards change.Confidence involves beliefs and emotions about a specific ability and future performance. Confident social interactions are based on assertive behaviour. People can be classified as having one of three main modes of communicating with others:

  • Passive communicators do not defend their own personal boundaries and allow aggressive people to manipulate them through fear. Typically they will not risk trying to influence others.
  • Aggressive communicators do not respect the personal boundaries of others and are liable to harm others while trying to influence them.
  • Assertive communicators are able to express their own wishes or discuss issues with others, while respecting the personal boundaries of others. They are able to defend themselves against aggressive people.
Assertiveness is a communication style and strategy that can be learned and that can transform educational, work and social success in life. SAS provides individual coaching sessions that can help in these areas.
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